Monday, June 4, 2012

Kura & Stu - Co-Chair Headlines

Matariki signals a time to reflect on the past and plan for the New Year.  With this in mind I have decided to relinquish the co-chair role which I have been in for almost a year. It's been a great experience providing an opportunity to learn about the early beginnings of WGWG and the diverse groups WGWG  currently support. Stu is a fabulous co-chair to work alongside with and would provide good support to anyone who wanted to take up the vacant co-chair role.   I will still be involved with WGWG  through the  helpline and also with the funding committee. Chur to the chur folks... see you at the next training and business meeting. 


Awww thanks Kura, it's been great working with you over the last year and we'll miss you in the co-chair seat.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a blog with 20 ideas for how to meet gay guys in Wellington.  It's a list most helpliners are familiar with, but as you'll see from our statistics, not many people are phoning helpline to ask what's going on.   Over 160 people read that blog post within two weeks and I received a lot of positive feedback.  That's almost as many people who phone helpline in a year!  In fact we're averaging about 500 hits on our blog a month and close to 700 on our webpage, so that's a good sign that Gay Wellington is increasing its internet profile and its online users.

If you're reading this but you want to interact by phone or in person, the helpline and the coming out groups (the Lesbian Drop In and Newcomers for men) may still be right for you. And if you're in the youth bracket, School's Out and Tranzform are two really good face-to-face support groups.

Whatever you decide to do, if you want information, support or just a chat, get in touch!  There are 47 members of the local GLBTI community who belong to Gay Wellington and we've all been there. 
