Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Welcome Kyaw - a new volunteer

Hi everyone, Kyaw here.

I am originally from Yangon/Rangoon, Myanmar/Burma. My parents (and I) moved to New Zealand about 6 years ago. I studied Pharmacy at University of Otago, Dunedin before moving up to Masterton in December of last year. I am current completing my Pharmacy Internship.

I identify myself as gender-fluid and bisexual. I started coming out in my late teens before my arrival in New Zealand and can confidently say I have completed that.

I decided to become a trainee Gay Wellington helpliner as Auckland based OUTLINE was a great help in continuation of my coming out process after my arrival in New Zealand. In hindsight, I am glad my coming out had bits from both Burmese and Kiwi LGBTI narratives.

In addition to above listed activities and a few others, I maintain my own weblog with occasional to regular posts (depending on my other tasks) mainly featuring one of these: flags, Asia-Pacific countries (broadly defined), and my thoughts on a variety current affairs/issues including those of the ‘rainbow’ colour.
