Saturday, May 1, 2010

April Lesbian Drop-In

Here's Nic and Jo's April update from the Lesbian Drop-In:

There were about eight attendees at the April Lesbian Drop-In. Later in April we went to a dance together as a group. For some this was their first lesbian outing.

Each attendee has their own story. There is no pressure to share but as it is a safe and supportive environment the courage shown encourages everyone to contribute.

At the Drop-In we hear updates and happy news of personal triumphs such as telling family/friends, meeting someone, and finding other gay networks through work/social events. We also speak of how we dealt with an issue someone else might be tackling.

The two co-facilitators are well-skilled at guiding such groups. Their dedication to easing the way for ‘new’ lesbians is warmly obvious. They raise topics for discussion, help expand conversations and generously share their own experiences. There is some real joy and humour expressed.

The Drop-In meets on the first Wednesday of the month. The contact is Jo (email or phone Jo on 021 2480954).